TAKE NOTE: Celebrate the Launch of the Heart of Huntingdon Campaign
Have a Question?
We want to help! Here is a reference list of the reasons you might call a particular office, and the offices who are best able to help you on these matters.
Office | Contact this office if you have questions about: | Contact information |
Admission | Admission requirements, file status, procedures for enrolling, basic questions about the College | (334) 833-4497; admission@hawks.photographywaltz.com |
Bookstore | Huntingdon paraphernalia, birthday and other gifts | (334) 833-4482 |
Campus Ministries | Chapel services, ministry and worship opportunities; concerns for students who are grieving or going through difficult circumstances and who need prayer | (334) 833-4474; chaplain@hawks.photographywaltz.com |
Center for Career and Vocation | Internships, externships, part-time or full-time job search (during and after college), graduate school search, interviewing skills, resume preparation; work-study placement | (334) 833-4562; ccv@hawks.photographywaltz.com |
College and Alumni Relations | Giving to the College, alumni matters | (334) 833-4563; alumni@hawks.photographywaltz.com |
Communications & Marketing | Publicity, communication, marketing issues, logos, College website, news of events or Huntingdon family member accomplishments, photography, general questions about the College | (334) 833-4515; hcnews@hawks.photographywaltz.com |
Counseling Services | Personal counseling appointments and assistance | (334) 833-4302; hccounseling@hawks.photographywaltz.com |
ARAMARK Dining Services | Special dietary needs and concerns | (334) 833-4355 Website |
Event Planning | Adding an event to the calendar; requesting permission to host an event; event arrangements | (334) 833-4069; lduncan@hawks.photographywaltz.com |
Health and Wellness | Illness; class absence; over-the-counter medications; issues of mental and physical health and well-being; referrals to clinics and doctors | (334) 833-4440 (during the academic year); healthandwellness@hawks.photographywaltz.com |
Helpdesk System | http://huntingdon.cayzu.com/ | |
Print and Mail Services Center | Mail for students and for campus offices; deliveries and pick-ups; stamps/postage; printing services | (334) 833-4425; printshop@hawks.photographywaltz.com |
Academic Affairs | Assistance with academic matters other than help received from faculty, the Staton Center, or the Registrar’s Office | (334) 833-4236; Officeofthecao@hawks.photographywaltz.com |
Registrar | Transcripts; grades; registration; dropping, adding, or withdrawing from classes; changing class schedules; and many other academic matters | (334) 833-4431; registrar@hawks.photographywaltz.com |
Residential Communities | On-campus living; roommates; room dimensions and measurements; policies | res.life@hawks.photographywaltz.com |
Security | Finding a student after hours; providing an escort; safety issues; assistance if a student is injured; emergencies | (334) 324-6565; security@hawks.photographywaltz.com |
Staton Center for Learning Enrichment | Assistance with academic performance concerns; tutoring; study skills; time management; Undeclared majors | (334) 833-4443; statoncenter@hawks.photographywaltz.com |
Student Financial Services | Financial matters: Costs; billing; payment plans; financial aid; award letters; loans; Alabama Student Grant eligibility | Billing, payment: (334) 833-4404 sfs@hawks.photographywaltz.com Financial aid: (334) 833-4428 finaid@hawks.photographywaltz.com |
Student Development | Clubs and organizations; Student Government; Orientation | studentdevelopment@hawks.photographywaltz.com |
Technology Support Services | Laptop computers and technology issues; wired and wireless connections; I.D. cards; keyless entry access to residence halls | techteam@hawks.photographywaltz.com |